Wednesday, January 14, 2015

This Week Though!

I can't remember the last time that a week took this long to get through. It seems like today should be Saturday already. I guess that is what I get for working on the weekend as well. I thought I would be off on the weekends, but then I did pick up a 12 hour shift on both Saturday and Sunday but during the day. That will be an extra 200/wk to put in savings. As long as none of it gets used, I will be able to have 8800.00 saved up by the new year. Tim and I exchanged keys last night. I guess we are going to continue moving full speed ahead. I don't mind at all. He is the greatest guy ever.

Monday, January 12, 2015

National Championship Game!!!

So the Buckeyes are going against Oregon for the 2015 National Championship game tonight, and I am working for the first quarter. That makes me terribly sad. :( We have played Oregon 8 times and they have NEVER beat us. I'm not worried about this game at all. But I did put in for today to be a PTO day for the game and of course they needed everyone on Mondays.... The snow we got has turned into freezing rain, then it thawed and all the snow melted. Now the temp is going to drop and form ice on all of the new water and then in a few days we will have more snow to cover the ice. Seriously, it's going to be exciting. If someone hits my car I am going to cut them until they die. I can't get focused today. I have all of these cases to catch up on from the weekend and no interest in getting started. I seriously have the greatest boyfriend ever. And yes, I understand that was random. #ADHA

Thursday, January 8, 2015

What the Hell, Weather Man!?

To simply say that it is cold outside is an understatement. It is so fucking cold outside that I briefly considered moving to Alaska! The pot luck was stupid! Our meeting was cancelled so we had to waste our break time if we wanted food. Which is dumb.. But it is also whatever. I am really lookig forward to being off after tomorrow!! T.G.I.F! I finally convinced my boyfriend to create a facebook account. He faught it, but now he likes it. It's adorable. I was looking ahead in the weather and it looks like these next couple of days are the only days we will be in the teens during the day. The rest of the month and most of next month will be 20's, 30's and 40's. That might not sound like much, but after 2 days in the single digits, it's fucking fabulous! I am ready for the waether to warm up so I can get back out and run! I am getting cabin fever and I don't want to end up like the movie.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Kicking my arse!

I think I have/had/am trying to get/trying to get rid of the flu... Working with it is miserable, but I suppose I should be thankful for my line of duty. My colleauges are all out today. At least my favorite ones. Maybe the plague has captured them.. Oh well. Today was rough. I mean, it still is, having just over an hour left before I can head home. I am debating going to the store after work. I suppose I should since we are having that silly pot luck at work tomorrow. Did I mention that I hate pot lucks? Being a vegetarian, I am usually left eating vegetables and starches that I usually do not eat. Or I get to sit there and listen to people rant and carry on about how "They tried to be vegetarian one year..." No you did not. You ate a salad, good job. Fuck you. I will be bringing in Chicken Cordon Bleu. Mind you, I *WAS* going to cook it from scratch, after all, out of all of the people bringing in food, I was the *ONLY* one who was bringing in meat. And I was only bringing in meat to be ironic. BUT THEN! some turkey jerky decided to make some chicken soup type of shit or other to cover TWO of the categories, and while that is adorable! I am just getting those already cooked chicken things and throwing them in the microwave before I come in tomorrow. #Underappreciated My toe is feeling a little better, I think. I look forward to having the stitches removed in 7 days and being able to wear a show again. This snow and flip flop combination is painful.

Friday, January 2, 2015


I did not drink or party last night, but I did put on some flip flops and go for a hike at Griggs Reservoir! How did that go?? Well..
Not well. I do not recommend this to anyone and hereby advise against winter hiking.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


The only annoying thing about the start of a new year is being forced to listen to people rant about all of the things that they will change about themselves and things that will be new or better *THIS* year. Those same exact people who said the same damn things last year... You know the kind of people I am talking about. So, Hello there. My name is Elizabeth. The thing I plan on changing this year is simple. I am starting a new blog. My last blog is 5 years old and full of so many different things that I would much rather not look at again. So I won't. I am actually pretty terrible at keeping up daily with this blog stuff lately since I have switched to a paperback journal. So, I did it.. I turned it into a note keeper and will continue on with my blog again. For those of you who will be coming from my last blog, Welcome back. For those who are new to my blog. Read at your own risk.